I am linking up with Mrs. Laffin today for a Peek at my Week.
Why do the weekends have to go so much quicker than two days during the work week?
It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend weather-wise. It got cool enough I could wear my new boots and a scarf! My parents were in town to help out for our garage sale, and it was also my mom's birthday.
Today my husband and I went for a hike after they left, and it was gorgeous.
We are so lucky to have many awesome hiking trails right in our own town.
Then we took the pup for a walk with her new leash that matches her harness. She is one stylish dog.
But, it's time to think about the work week again. I have been really struggling to come up with content-based posts to write on here. I think part of it is I haven't been feeling the greatest with my horrible allergies as of late. I also am so busy and just trying to keep my head above water with planning, grading, and trying to get all my pre-test data recorded that I have no energy to sit down and blog at night about what's going on in my room. I will try to be better about writing content posts. Anything in particular you want to read about?
So this week my juniors are going to wrap up the Turn of the Century unit in American Lit. We read some Twain last week and this week we're reading some epitaphs from Spoon River Anthology, as well as the poem 'Richard Cory." We're going to work more on our annotating skills.
In College English, we are peer editing our first big essay, then during revision in the lab, they will get a chance to conference with me before turning in their essays. This means I have a bunch of essays coming in on Thurs that will need grading next weekend.
In non-school plans, the weather finally feels like fall, so we are cooking some crockpot meals and trying to get out hiking as much as possible. Pretty sure an apple orchard trip is in our future next weekend.
Hope you all have a great week!