Wednesday, December 31, 2014

First Currently of 2015!

Well, it's technically still 2014 here, but close enough. Linking up with Farley.

Listening...Our obsession over the past week has been House of Cards. Amazing! We are halfway through season 2 with plans to finish it tonight.

Loving...My husband got me a beautiful right hand ring for Christmas that I'm in love with.

Thinking....2014 wasn't that awesome of a year; I hope 2015 is better.

Wanting...Today was bitterly cold, but I'm hoping it makes it to the thirties tomorrow so I can hike.

Needing...Five days until school starts again. So not ready, but I need to get back in that frame of mind.

Yes: I plan to hike at least once a week in 2015. Yes, even in the winter.
Maybe: As long as vacation time can work out for my husband and my parents (who dog-sit), we hope to plan a trip to northern MI this summer.
I wish: My dream trip right now is actually a cruise to Alaska. Sadly, not in the budget.

I hope you all have a fantastic start to 2015!


  1. Congrats on the new ring! New jewelry always makes a girl feel loved.

    I wish you the best of luck in keeping to your walking goals. I admire your dedication to keep it up even in the winter. I tend to hibernate in the winter so I applaud anyone that braves the cold!

    A cruise to Alaska is on my bucket list. I've heard it's absolutely beautiful. I hope it's in your future.

    Best of luck to you in the New Year!
    4th Grade Dynamic Duo

  2. I'm in NM and the high today was about 18 degrees...stinks. I am not promising myself to go be active in it though, too much of a wimp. So, good for you! Sorry 2014 wasn't great. I hope this is a fabulous year for you.

  3. I'm loving that I am not the only person staying in tonight with plans to watch TV!! I hope that you are enjoying your season of House of Cards! I hope your weather warms up so you can go hiking!! Start saving now, and one day you will go on that cruise!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  4. I am LOVING the idea of a right hand ring! I totally have to get my husband on board with that.

    Enjoy your last 5 days of vacation.. I am totally going to save mine. I am a new following- I found you through the Currently link up. Happy New Year! :)

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  5. Don't think about work until Sunday!!! Enjoy your break and take an emotional break from thinking about school :)
    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  6. I would LOVE to go on a cruise to Alaska sometime! The scenery looks absolutely amazing. Maybe one day. We can dream, right?
    Island Teacher
